Get Your Online Will

Online Will

To complete your will online, you need to confirm the following before we get started:

Owning property outside of the UK, living outside of the UK, or certain business structures means that we need to check a couple of things with you first. Please call us on 0114 399 2929 to speak to one of our experts.

Before going any further, you will need to know:

  • Who you would like to take care of things after you die. This can be one person you trust, or more than one person. You will need to know their full name and address. Don’t worry if you are struggling to find someone, as we have a professional you can use.
  • Who you want to benefit from the things you own after you die. You will need to know their full name and address. A beneficiary can also be an executor if you wish.
  • If you have children under 18, who you would like to look after them if you died. You will need to know their full name and address. A guardian can also be an executor if you wish.
  • The value of your assets and any debts you might have. Its OK to give an approximate value.

Do you have a partner?



Click ‘No’ if you are widowed, divorced, or separated from a spouse or partner.
Click ‘Yes’ if you are married or living with a partner.

Do you have any children?



Stepchildren do not count unless you have legally adopted them.

Do you own your home?



Tick ‘Yes’ if you own a property on your own or jointly with another person, even if you have a mortgage.

Make your will over the phone

Don't worry, we still should be able to help you. Owning property outside of the UK, living outside the UK, or certain business structures means that we need to check a couple of things with you first. Please call us on 0114 399 2929 to speak to one of our experts.
Get in Touch

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